Nyheter og historier fra felt

Teaching across borders


“Being a teacher in the camp is at times both challenging and exhausting, but most of all it’s rewarding. It’s a pleasure to see how proud they are when they finally nailed all the days of the week, or when they got a full score on their last test. The students are very committed to reach their goal; mastering the language. They will often come by and tell you about their latest achievements, even when it’s not in class! You might just have happened to pass by their caravan or they see you around camp.”


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From China to Greece on a bicycle


My motivation was to understand more of the people living in the countries I visited. During the first months crossing China I had the chance to meet numerous people from Tibetan minorities and also Uyghur’s people in East Turkestan. Besides experiencing with them incredible hospitality and warmth greeting, I could record their constant oppressions in their own lands by political programs forcing them most of the time to flee in foreign countries. This matter has been continuing in the following month in other countries with other issues and people. But it was in Iran by making new friends with Afghan refugees and also Iranian citizens trying to reach Europe for life and death threats that I considered to try help somehow. 

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International Women’s Day

I think the International Women’s Day is still really, really important. Women’s rights are, even in 2018, violated on a wide scale, for millions of women worldwide. It is often argued in Western countries that gender equality has become a fact – which I also think is an exaggeration, but solidarity with women in other parts of the world is crucial in my opinion. And as the Me too campaign has proven, women’s rights are still being violated also in Western countries. – Abeer Yaseen

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Et liv på flukt

– Abbas sin historie


Det eneste Abbas kan se er det svarte havet, og nattehimmelen som omkranser han på alle kanter. Han befinner seg på en flåte midt på havet mellom Tyrkia og Hellas. Flåten er opprinnelig beregnet for tyve personer, men nå er den overfylt med nesten 70 personer. Flåten begynner å ta inn vann, og det eneste Abbas ser i den mørke natten er lyset fra månen. Månen føles som hans siste håp. Han ber til månen om å ta vare på dem.

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Vi er alle like mye verdt 


Da jeg vokste opp på 90-tallet lærte min mamma meg at ingen er bedre enn meg, og at jeg ikke er bedre enn noen andre. Vi er alle like. Som borgere på jordkloden har vi alle den samme rett til de grunnleggende tingene her i livet. Det er forankret I avtaler, konvensjoner og lover. Hun lærte meg også at som et individ født inn i et privilegert samfunn er det min plikt å tale imot urett. Støtte de som føler seg usikre på å tale egen sak, og tale på vegne av de som ikke har en egen stemme.  


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