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We are all equal 


When I grew up in the 90’s, my mother taught me that nobody is better than me and that I’m not better than anyone else. We are all alike. As citizens of the globe, we all have the same right to the basic things in this life. It is rooted in agreements, conventions and laws. She also taught me that as an individual born into a privileged society, it is my duty to speak against injustice. Support those who fell unsafe and speak their own case on behalf of those who do not have a voice of their own.  


By: Cicilie Bråten, Recruitment Coordinator, A Drop in the Ocean


These lessons are something that has shaped me to become the person I am today. This is the framework that forms the way I currently raise my own son. I wish for my son to grow up in a society that sees what resource and opportunity he is. I wish for a world that sees the endless possibilities which lies in all children, regardless of where they were born and who has given birth to them.


Discrimination exists in all societies. Where there are people there is discrimination. We humans are keen to label each other. At times, it may seem like we feel more comfortable when we can put a label on something and someone. As if it gives us some kind of security. For the unknown is uncomfortable, so if we put the unknown into something known it becomes a little easier to relate to, or to choose not to relate to.


The UN’s sustainability goals consist of 17 goals, including 169 sub-goals. A small excerpt:

  • Childrens access to education (Goal number 4)
  • Access to cleanwater and proper sanitary conditions (Goal number 6)
  • Ensure healthy lives and promote well being for all at all ages (Goal number 3)
  • End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture (Goalnumber 2)
  • Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies(Goal number16)


In order to achieve these goals we have to stop seeing other people’s limitations. It is not up to you or me to decide what Farok, Isabel, Hakem, Nora or Aisha cannot do. They have every right to choose and find out what they can and can’t.


However, as privileged citizens, we must together push through the changes needed and make the arrangements that Farok, Isabel, Hakem, Nora and Aisha needs in order to be able to grow up and become the best version of themselves.


One of the main principles of the sustainability goals is leaving no one behind. Note; leaving no one behind


We need to care more! We need to show more love, warmth and compassion


And just so it’s said: Positive change and a warmer world community is not achieved by downscaling aid, name other countries ‘Shithole countries’ or tighten in on the institutions that take care of the sick- the old- the little ones. Just to name a few.

Let us together phase out the reasons for for the need for campaigns like #metoo, the reasons parents send their loved ones in rotten rubber boats across the Mediterranean, the need for acute overnight stays, the growth of curable diseases and quotas in the workplace.


We are all human beings! WE ARE ALL EQUAL!


































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