IT-services, social responsibility, and engagement are at the centre of the new collaboration between Habberstad and A Drop in the Ocean.
Asylum seekers are affected by a new decision made by the Ministry for Migration Policy (MoMP)
“…Focus on the empowerment, encouragement and reviewing of languages and skills in order to make people more independent and self-sufficient are more important than ever.” – Sumita Shah & Cicilie Bråten-Lindblad
The International Women’s Day – We highlight the strength and resilience of women on the run
Today is the International Women’s Day. On this day, we typically highlight women’s ongoing struggles for full gender equality and security. We also celebrate strong and courageous women in society, and in our own lives. It is in this spirit that I want to introduce you to two incredible women I have befriended while volunteering for A Drop in the Ocean in Greece. While different backgrounds and trajectories, these women both risked their lives to reach Europe, in search of a better and safer future for themselves and their families. However, arriving after the EU’s infamous deal with Turkey in March 2016, the women got ‘stuck’ in Greece, where they have been forced to live under precarious, insecure and undignified conditions.
Less frightening than expected
The retiree Kristin Falkung (72) is not one to put much emphasis on the work she does for others. But she wishes to show that it’s not necessarily scary to work as a volunteer in the field. And she wants to inspire more elderly people to do the same.
Trude´s appeal on the National People´s Action for people on the run
Saturday 26th of January hundreds of people gathered all over Norway in a National People’s Action for people on the run to request action and responsibility from our politicians. All over Norway people gathered to protest and create awareness around what is happening on the Greek Islands. The situation is precarious and something have to be done. Together with a number of other organizations, such as Save the Children, The Norwegian Centre against Racism and Refugee Welcome Norway, A Drop in the Ocean afilliated the National Action. Our general secretary Trude Jacobsen held a strong appeal, together with her seven year old daughter Isabel, in Trondheim. Read the entire appeal here: