
Faces in a Refugee Camp

By David Jay Green 

For two weeks last month my wife and I provided volunteer service in a refugee camp on the Greek island of Chios. The camp houses roughly 1,000 people mostly men, predominantly from Syria or Iraq-people who crossed the few kilometers of open sea from Turkey to the European Union member Greece. We worked for a Norwegian NGO, A Drop in the Ocean, generally helping with the serving of meals. The camp we worked at was a collection of plastic tents crowded together in what had been a moat for an old castle. There are very minimal services available to the people in the camp and during the recent heat wave the living conditions were quite difficult.

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Oppdatering fra Drop Market og varehuset i Athen

Slutten av juli måned var travel for varehuset og Drop Market i Skaramagas. Her er noen av høydepunktene:

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Abeer´s Story

19 August marked the one year anniversary of Abeer Yaseen´s arrival in Norway. The woman from Latakia in Syria fled with her four daughters to Turkey to escape the war in her home country. Her daughters, aged 17, 14 and 7(twins), are now living with their grandmother in Turkey while waiting for family reunification. The process is tedious, and Abeer has not seen her children for more than 18 months.

This is her story.

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Hva om?

Ane Gyllstrøm var frivillig med Dråpen i Havet på Chios. Her er noen av hennes refleksjoner fra tiden på øya.

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Besøk hos Bahez i Sveits

I går fikk Shara og jeg(Trude) muligheten til å besøke Bahez, Bayan of Nabaz I Zürich. Det har nå gått nesten tre måneder siden de ble flyttet fra Hellas til Sveits. Både Bahez og moren hans har gått gjennom omfattende behandling og flere operasjoner i Sveits, og unge Bahez har nylig fått lov til å forlate sykehuset. Det er utrolig å se hvordan de har kommet seg!

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