Updates and field stories

“Drops” on Chios in October

Chios is the second island to receive the most refugees, with Lesvos on top of the list. Many Norwegian tourists took part and contributed in helping the refugees on Chios during the summer. They have helped with receiving them on the beaches and in the transit camp in the city park; they have also given a helping hand sorting clothes, serving and handing out food and other donations.

We now have small group of volunteers from A Drop in The Ocean on Chios, and they are participating and helping out alongside a local organization named “Lathra”.

Cathy and Tony began their day today purchasing necessary items, and cleaning and sorting at the storage. There are, however, so many needs yet to cover. Cathy reports:

We bought drawing and coloring items and we wanted so much to hold activities for the children, so that they had something fun to keep themselves busy. We discovered there were activities on Mondays, and that was perfect. Anton began entertaining the children with a little “show”, then we played soccer, volleyball and everything under the sun that you could do with a ball and a rope! Anthony played with his rope, and Tone and I brought out the drawing materials and we sat with the kids who wanted to draw. It was very entertaining and fun! It was so heartwarming to see and hear the children smile and laugh. A little bit later, the local volunteers came and joined in with their activities! Even the adults hung out with us! The seconds or minutes they had their thoughts on having fun was such a nice experience; there was so much joy to see today. However, so many drawings made a strong impression on us. Three-year-old children should not have to experience or think about such images. We were very moved. It was so saddening and heartbreaking to see these striking drawings! Drawings showing peace, war and fear! All in all, it has been a fantastic day!

Reinforcements from A Drop in The Ocean are on their way to Chios in the next few days. We all wish our volunteers, our “Drops” good luck with your efforts!





