On the 13th of November A Drop in the Ocean’s sister organization was launched in the US. Two previous volunteers, Laura Femia and Kim Proal along with A Drop in the Ocean’s Secretary General are the founders of the sister organization. After working in the middle of the ongoing refugee crisis in Greece both the American women strongly wished to shine a light and increase awareness of the conditions for refugees on the American continent.
”The main goal of the American sister organization is to increase knowledge and awareness about the ongoing refugee crisis in Greece, and in doing so, recruit future volunteers and collect donations for people who have fled their countries.”- Laura Femia, one of the founders of the American sister organization ”A Drop in the Ocean”.
The background and initiative for establishing the sister organization came after Laura Femia and Kim Proal were volunteers with A Drop in the Ocean. Laura volunteered on Chios the first time in 2017. Since then she has travelled to Greece several more times and worked as a volunteer at three of A Drop in the Ocean’s current location: Lesbos, Nea Kavala and Skaramangas.
Read more about A Drop in the Ocean and our work here
Femia and Proals experiences as volunteers for A Drop in the Ocean made them want to shine a light on the European refugee crisis in the US. From when the planning of the American organization started, it has been two years before it could launch. Read more about this on the sister organizations website. Trude Jacobsen, Secretary General of A Drop in the Ocean has consistently been in close contact with Laura and Kim during this developmental phase. She has the following to say about the sister organization:
“It is fascinating to see what a volunteer trip to a refugee camp can result in. We are consistently seeing volunteers go back home with a new meaning to their lives. To help others becomes even more important once you have seen the need with your very own eyes. Laura has put in a huge effort to get the American organization on its feet, and we look forward to new possibilities to convey the situation in Europe, also to the American continent”
As of today, the board consists of four members, Kim Proal, Jordan Muse and Trude Jacobsen as well as Laura Femia, who is Chairman.
Photo (from left): Boardmembers Jordan Muse, Kim Proal and founder and Secretary General of A Drop in the Ocean.
Trude Jacobsen and Laura Femia are both available for interviews, and may be contacted via e-mail or cellphone
- Trude Jacobsen e-mail, Secretary General A Drop in the Ocean: trude@drapenihavet.no or cellphone: +47 481 72 718.
- Laura Femia, founder of A Drop in the Ocean USA: post@dropintheocean.org or cellphone: 443-827-1325
We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop – Mother Teresa – A Drop in the Ocean USA
Read more about the American sister organization on their website or follow them in their Facebook group: A Drop in the Ocean USA
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